This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at

Transcripts - Easy Checks

What are Transcripts?

Basic transcripts are a text version of the speech and non-speech audio information needed to understand the multimedia content. They are similar to captions, but in a format that can be easily opened and read.

Descriptive transcripts for videos also include visual information needed to understand the content.

For videos with visual and audio information, ideally a descriptive transcript is provided, and a separate basic transcript is not needed.


Example part of transcript of a podcast interview with two speakers

Example part of descriptive transcript

Who depends on Transcripts?

People who are Deaf, are hard of hearing, or have difficulty processing auditory information use basic transcripts.

People who are deafblind (both deaf and blind) need descriptive transcripts to understand audio and video content.

People who process text information better than they process audio and video information also use descriptive transcripts.

Checking Transcripts

Check transcript quality

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This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at